Sponsoring Talents & Tooling explore below the various programs...

Sponsoring Sportsmen
As part of our Sports Sponsorship Program, BDS Outreach team started sponsoring Ajith Arumugam, a B.Com 1st year student from Malur. He had performed exceptionally in the Fosbury high jump, long jump and 100M sprint category in State and National level competitions. Due to economic constraints, Ajith was struggling to pursue his passion for the sport. BDS provided sponsorship commitments for running shoes, protein supplies, conveyance, coaching fees etc,.
Sponsor such struggling talents
Study Desks for schools
BDS embarked upon a campaign to provide minimal infrastructure for schools in remote areas. In consultation with the schools, BDS started a “Ground to Bench” program. Through the program BDS donated 40 study desks of varied sizes across 3 Government schools. About the material: Treated Plywood board with protection against moisture and termites” for seat and desk. Desks were fabricated in 3 different sizes to ensure comfortable seating for all age groups.
Cost per desk: ₹500
School bags and utilities
BDS undertakes sponsorship of School bags, Pencil pouches and Water bottles for primary school children of 5 schools that BDS has adopted in Malur. These children come from economically backward homes, and will otherwise not be able to afford these necessities. BDS Outreach Team firmly believes that every child must have these essentials to support their schooling. BDS has sponsored close to 300+ bags and utilities. We plan to cover more students with this initiative.
Cost per child: ₹500
Learning Aids & Toys
BDS Sponsors toys and learning aids such as wooden horses, toy train, kitchen set, jingles, puzzles, wooden rings, blocks and walkers to kindergarten and primary school students of 4 schools: Kumbarapete Anganwadi, MC Halli Anganwadi, Hanumathanagar Anganwadi and Pemmadoddi School.
Express intent to participate