About Us who we are...
About Us: Balambika Divya Sangam
As passionate devotees of Sri Balambika, and overwhelmed by Her grace and benevolence, we have come together from diverse backgrounds as one unifying force to form Balambika Divya Sangam. the principal focus of the Sangam is to pursue the age old tenet - Sarvejana Sukhino Bavantu, and pay obeisance to the divine Mother who is the cause of the welfare of the world. Through worship we realize that cast, creed, religion and social status - all melt away in Her presence, for in Her eyes we are all Her children.
Over the generations, we have exerienced Her astonishing miracles and charm, and as we reminisce, it brings to our minds the poigant memories of Her external compassion that makes us ask ourselves the question, as to what we have done for her in return. Inspired by such similar thoughts and ideals, the members of the Sanga are genuinely devoted to sever Sri Balambika and Her world, because service to mankind is service to God. As we move forward in spiritual journey, we would like to bring together all those who wish to enjoy Sri Bala's world of mystical bliss, contentment and unconditional devotion.
Founded in the year 2010, Balambika Divya Sangam is
working on laying the necessary groundwork and building the infrastructure to support
and sustain its lofty vision. The manifold activities of the Sangam include building a
state-of-the-art temple for Sri Balambika, conducting
homams, poojas, parayanams
and utsavams
to celebrate Goddess
Balambika, establishing a vedic patashala
to revive interest in the Vedas,
performing community service by advocating social themes amongst underprivileged
children, to name a few. Tha various projects that the Sangam focuses are geared towards
the need of the day, while at the same time a conscentious effort is made to ensure that
the pristine customes and traditions of Hinduism are rightfully preserved in all of the
Sangam's missions. We whole heartedly pray that in due course of time, Balambika Divya
Sangam's vision and enthusiasm will attract many more people to genuinely work towards
the benefit of the world.