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Smt. Thilagam

Bala has an individual relationship with each one of us at various levels. She answers our prayers, She gives us what we want, She guides us, She teases us but she always loves all of us equally. When She wants you she will make way for you to come to Her. Thilagam madam has been singing for Bala everyday, we play her singing Soundarya lahiri and Abirami anthathi as she posts each verse at the temple. I think Bala was moved by madam's dedication and love she nudged her to come to the temple. Here she is singing in front of Bala. The connection between Bala and her devotee can never be explained in words it has to be seen and enjoyed.

- Smt. Asha Manoharan (President, Sri Balambika Divya Sangam Trust®)

  About Us

Sri Balambika Divya Sangam Trust® was established in the year 2010, and aims to realize the true path of devotion, while elevating our souls into the realm of spirituality. The Sangam has constructed this temple for Sri Balambika at Malur, a town located 40 kms from Bangalore.

  Temple Festival Calendar
  • Pongal | 14th to 16th Jan
  • Temple Anniversary | 24th & 25th Mar
  • Bala’s Birthday | 22nd May, Wed
  • Navarathri | 2nd to 12th Oct
  • Deepavali | 31st Oct, Thu
  • Karthigai Deepam | 12th to 13th Nov
  Temple Construction Photos
  Contact Us
  Balambika Divya Sangam

Malur Sri Balambika Temple,
Maruthi Ext 2nd stage
Kasaba Hobli, Malur Town
Karnataka - 563130.

Tel : +91 98865 16637
Mail : Balambika Divya Sangam
 Morning : 8:30am to 11:30am
 Evening : 4:30pm to 7:30pm